Alternate Abilities - Thirtymule
Title Cur/Max Cost
Baking Mastery 0 / 3 3
Bandage Wounds 0 / 5 3
Battle Ready 0 / 4 5
Bazaar and Back 1 / 1 --
Blacksmithing Mastery 0 / 3 3
Brewing Mastery 0 / 3 3
Combat Agility 0 / 40 2
Combat Medic 0 / 5 3
Combat Stability 0 / 39 2
Consume Item 0 / 1 0
Delay Death 0 / 31 3
Discordant Defiance 0 / 16 5
Earthen Alacrity 0 / 16 5
Earthen Allure 0 / 16 5
Earthen Artistry 0 / 16 5
Earthen Brawn 0 / 16 5
Earthen Brilliance 0 / 16 5
Earthen Sagacity 0 / 16 5
Earthen Stability 0 / 16 5
Energetic Attunement 0 / 16 5
Eyes Wide Open 8 / 8 --
First Aid 0 / 3 1
Fletching Mastery 0 / 3 3
Foraging 0 / 1 3
General Sturdiness 0 / 21 6
Innate Agility 0 / 15 1
Innate Charisma 0 / 15 1
Innate Cold Protection 0 / 15 1
Innate Corruption Protection 0 / 5 3
Innate Dexterity 0 / 15 1
Innate Disease Protection 0 / 15 1
Innate Fire Protection 0 / 15 1
Innate Intelligence 0 / 15 1
Innate Lung Capacity 0 / 6 1
Innate Magic Protection 0 / 15 1
Innate Metabolism 0 / 3 1
Innate Poison Protection 0 / 15 1
Innate Regeneration 0 / 31 1
Innate Run Speed 0 / 5 1
Innate See Invis 0 / 1 9
Innate Stamina 0 / 15 1
Innate Strength 0 / 15 1
Innate Wisdom 0 / 15 1
Jewel Craft Mastery 0 / 3 3
Mental Fortitude 0 / 3 5
Mystical Attuning 5 / 13 5
Mystical Shield 0 / 1 9
Natural Durability 0 / 6 2
New Tanaan Crafting Mastery 0 / 6 3
Packrat 0 / 11 3
Planar Power 0 / 20 2
Poison Mastery 0 / 4 3
Pottery Mastery 0 / 3 3
Quick Draw 0 / 2 5
Salvage 0 / 6 5
Situational Awareness 0 / 5 5
Tailoring Mastery 0 / 3 3
Tinkering Mastery 0 / 3 3
Unknown AA 15771 0 / 1 1
Title Cur/Max Cost
Armor of Wisdom 0 / 11 6
Burst of Power 0 / 11 8
Combat Fury 0 / 6 2
Concentration 0 / 3 3
Double Riposte 0 / 6 3
Empowered Ingenuity 0 / 3 4
Enhanced Aggression 0 / 31 5
Extended Ingenuity 0 / 6 4
Fear Resistance 0 / 3 2
Ferocity 0 / 6 3
Finishing Blow 0 / 27 2
Hardy Endurance 0 / 11 5
Heightened Endurance 0 / 19 3
Improved Intimidation 0 / 1 7
Ingenuity 0 / 9 1
Killing Spree 1 / 9 6
Natural Healing 0 / 3 2
Shielding Resistance 0 / 5 3
Slippery Attacks 0 / 5 3
Weapon Affinity 0 / 7 5
Title Cur/Max Cost
Absorbing Agent 0 / 1 12
Acrobatics 0 / 3 3
Adv. Trap Negotiation 0 / 3 3
Ambidexterity 0 / 1 9
Anatomy 0 / 20 5
Appraisal 0 / 1 3
Assassin's Wrath 0 / 1 9
Chaotic Stab 1 / 1 --
Cunning Disguise: Barbarian 0 / 1 4
Cunning Disguise: Erudite 0 / 1 4
Cunning Disguise: Goblin 0 / 1 4
Cunning Disguise: Half-Elf 0 / 1 4
Cunning Disguise: Human 0 / 1 4
Cunning Disguise: Shissar 0 / 1 15
Cunning Disguise: Troll 0 / 1 4
Dirty Fighting 0 / 7 3
Enduring Vision 0 / 2 8
Enhanced Thief's Eyes 0 / 1 9
Envenomed Blades 0 / 11 7
Escape 0 / 1 9
Etherium Blades 0 / 2 12
Expertise of Blades 0 / 3 3
Extended Envenomed Blades 0 / 1 7
Extended Frenzied Stabbing Discipline 0 / 1 10
Extended Trickery 0 / 3 9
Flurry 0 / 7 7
Fundament of Combat 0 / 9 1
Fundament: First Spire of the Rake 0 / 4 5
Fundament: Second Spire of the Rake 0 / 4 5
Fundament: Third Spire of the Rake 0 / 4 5
Hastened Assassination Disciplines 0 / 1 12
Hastened Counterattack Discipline 0 / 1 9
Hastened Frenzied Stabbing 0 / 5 7
Hastened Getaway 0 / 4 2
Hastened Ligament Slice 0 / 6 6
Hastened Onslaught 0 / 1 9
Hastened Pinpoint 0 / 2 6
Hastened Purification 0 / 7 2
Hastened Stealth 0 / 4 3
Hastened Swiftblade 0 / 2 3
Hastened Twisted Chance Discipline 0 / 4 10
Hasty Exit 0 / 9 2
Knave's Return Strike 0 / 4 6
Ligament Slice 0 / 3 3
Massive Strike 0 / 7 6
Master of Disguise 0 / 1 7
Mrylokar's Rigor 0 / 1 0
Nerves of Steel 0 / 11 5
Nimble Evasion 0 / 5 1
Physical Enhancement 0 / 2 5
Planar Durability 0 / 3 3
Precise Strikes 0 / 21 5
Precision 0 / 15 3
Purge Poison 0 / 1 5
Rake's Deadly Aim 0 / 3 6
Rake's Powerful Aim 0 / 3 6
Rogue Triple Attack Skillup Test 0 / 1 8
Rogue's Fury 0 / 6 7
Scout's Mastery of Piercing 0 / 1 9
Seized Opportunity 1 / 15 6
Shroud of Stealth 1 / 1 --
Sinister Strikes 0 / 1 12
Sleight of Hand 0 / 6 7
Speed of the Scoundrel 0 / 1 6
Stealthy Getaway 0 / 1 9
Strikethrough 0 / 13 3
Thief's Intuition 0 / 1 15
Trap Circumvention 0 / 5 3
Triple Backstab 0 / 19 3
Tumble 0 / 2 9
Twinproc 0 / 4 7
Twisted Shank 0 / 9 9
Unknown AA 16263 0 / 1 11
Unknown AA 16272 0 / 1 9
Unknown AA 16276 0 / 1 5
Unknown AA 17409 0 / 1 15
Unknown AA 17414 0 / 1 9
Veteran's Wrath 0 / 13 3
Virulent Venom 0 / 6 1
Title Cur/Max Cost
Armor of Experience 0 / 1 0
Banestrike 0 / 1 0
Blessing of the Devoted 0 / 1 0
Breath of Atathus 0 / 1 0
Breath of Draton'ra 0 / 1 0
Breath of Keikolin 0 / 1 0
Breath of Mysaphar 0 / 1 0
Breath of Osh'vir 0 / 1 0
Breath of Venesh 0 / 1 0
Chaotic Jester 0 / 1 0
Curse of Blood 0 / 3 0
Embrace of the Dark Reign 0 / 1 0
Embrace of the Keepers 0 / 1 0
Expedient Recovery 0 / 1 0
Fervor of the Dark Reign 0 / 1 0
Gift of the Dark Reign 0 / 1 0
Gift of the Keepers 0 / 1 0
Glyph of Angry Thoughts 0 / 1 4
Glyph of Courage 0 / 1 4
Glyph of Destruction 0 / 1 3
Glyph of Draconic Potential 0 / 1 3
Glyph of Dragon Scales 0 / 1 3
Glyph of Genari Might 0 / 1 5
Glyph of Indeterminable Reward 0 / 1 25
Glyph of Stored Life 0 / 1 4
Glyph of the Cataclysm 0 / 1 5
Glyph of the Master 0 / 1 5
Harmonic Dissonance 0 / 1 0
Hastened Banestrike 0 / 1 0
Hero's Barracks 0 / 1 0
Infusion of the Faithful 0 / 1 0
Intensity of the Resolute 0 / 1 0
Knowledge of Alaran Culture 0 / 1 0
Knowledge of Alaran Culture - Advanced 0 / 1 0
Lesson of the Devoted 0 / 1 0
Power of the Dark Reign 0 / 1 0
Power of the Keepers 0 / 1 0
Sanctity of the Keepers 0 / 1 0
Staunch Recovery 0 / 1 0
Steadfast Servant 0 / 1 0
Summon Clockwork Banker 0 / 1 0
Summon Permutation Peddler 0 / 1 0
Summon Personal Tribute Master 0 / 1 0
Summon Resupply Agent 0 / 1 0
Summon Tome of the Hero's Journey 0 / 1 0
Tenacity of the Dark Reign 0 / 1 0
Throne of Heroes 0 / 1 0
Trials of Mata Muram 0 / 6 0
Unknown AA 17199 0 / 1 100
Valor of the Keepers 0 / 1 0
AA Points:0
Point Spent:0