Clockwork Merchant

Full name Clockwork Merchant
Level 40
Race Clockwork Gnome
Class Shopkeeper
Main faction Merchants of Ak`Anon
Health points 3,250
Damage 32 to 99
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks Immune to magic
This NPC sells

  • Spell: Resist Cold (1p 4g 8s 3c)
  • Spell: Dominate Undead (5g 3s 9c)
  • Spell: Shock of Poison (9g 2s 2c)
  • Spell: Cure Disease (2s)
  • Spell: Expulse Undead (1g 9s 5c)
  • Spell: Shieldskin (1g 9s 2c)
  • Spell: Infectious Cloud (3g 5c)
  • Spell: Heart Flutter (1g 9s 2c)
  • Spell: Spirit Armor (2g 9s 7c)
  • Spell: Shadow Vortex (6g 5s)
  • Spell: Leatherskin (9g 3s)
  • Spell: Siphon Life (7g 8s 3c)
  • Spell: Rest the Dead (1p 2g 5s 6c)
  • Spell: Screaming Terror (1p 9s 3c)
  • Spell: Allure of Death (5g 4s 3c)
  • Spell: Shadow Compact (9g 3s)
  • Spell: Scent of Dusk (1g 1s 9c)
  • Spell: Scent of Shadow (1p 7g 1s 8c)
  • Spell: Rapacious Subvention (1p 9g 9s 2c)
  • This NPC spawns in


  • akanonClockwork_Merchant033239120974 : 2101 / -399 / -182
    Spawns every 10 min 40 sec
  • akanonClockwork_Merchant033239120974 : 2101 / -399 / -182
    Spawns every 168 hours

    Killing this NPC lowers factions with