in The Stonebrunt Mountains by a kobold spiritslaver (100004)
a hunting kobold (100009)
a savage kobold (100000)
a raging kobold (100012)
a raging kobold (100042)
a greater kobold shaman (100163)
#Rendolr the Maimer (100199)
a scouting kobold (100016)
a highland kobold shaman (100017)
a raging highland kobold (100019)
a raging highland kobold (100177)
a raging kobold savage (100020)
a scouting kobold (100021)
a greater kobold shaman (100077)
a greater kobold shaman (100041)
a raging kobold (100190)
a greater kobold shaman (100043)
a greater kobold shaman (100080)
a hunting kobold (100010)
a ferocious kobold (100045)
a lesser kobold shaman (100047)
a lesser kobold shaman (100046)
a lesser kobold shaman (100050)
a raging kobold savage (100048)
a raging kobold savage (100049)
a savage kobold (100018)
a highland kobold (100055)
a highland kobold (100116)
a highland kobold (100121)
a raging highland kobold (100075)
a savage kobold (100001)
a burly kobold (100078)
a burly kobold (100081)
a burly kobold (100079)
a scouting kobold (100085)
a hunting kobold (100044)
a highland kobold shaman (100122)
#Hurglak the Destroyer (100198)
a savage kobold (100109)
a savage kobold (100104)
a savage kobold (100108)
a lesser kobold shaman (100106)
a ferocious kobold (100105)
a lesser kobold shaman (100110)
a highland kobold shaman (100178)
#Arglar the Tormentor (100214)
a highland kobold shaman (100176)
a highland kobold shaman (100123)
a kobold wanderer (100014)
a kobold wanderer (100160)
Gnashing Kobold (100166)
a kobold spiritslaver (100192)
a kobold spiritslaver (100193)
a kobold wanderer (100194)
in The Warrens by a kobold guard (101000)
a kobold guard (101001)
a rabid kobold (101053)
a kobold runt (101002)
a kobold runt (101048)
Huntmaster Furgrl (101003)
a kobold guard (101004)
a rabid kobold (101055)
Lorekeeper Roggik (101005)
a greater shaman (101006)
a pack leader (101007)
a pack leader (101058)
a greater shaman (101115)
a pack elder (101008)
a kobold watcher (101009)
a pack elder (101010)
a pack elder (101022)
a lesser shaman (101023)
a howler (101011)
a pack leader (101012)
a huge kobold (101037)
a greater shaman (101118)
a large kobold (101013)
a greater shaman (101014)
a kobold sentinel (101015)
a kobold sentinel (101025)
a frothing kobold (101119)
High Shaman Drogik (101016)
Foodmaster Rargnar (101017)
Smithy Rrarrgin (101018)
Trainer Daxgrr (101019)
Rikfeer the Arcane (101020)
Packmaster Dledsh (101132)
a kobold sentinel (101039)
a large kobold (101121)
a large kobold (101050)
a training kobold (101024)
a training kobold (101026)
a kobold (101027)
a lesser shaman (101028)
a rabid kobold (101029)
a kobold protector (101045)
a kobold sentry (101030)
a lesser shaman (101059)
Jailer Mkrarrg (101031)
a kobold sentry (101032)
a kobold archer (101046)
a kobold pit fighter (101033)
a kobold pit fighter (101040)
a kobold pit fighter (101034)
a kobold protector (101035)
a huge kobold (101036)
an elite kobold (101130)
an elite kobold (101038)
a kobold archer (101052)
a kobold protector (101054)
a kobold sentry (101051)
a large kobold (101041)
a howler (101042)
a fierce kobold (101116)
a kobold (101043)
a kobold (101044)
a fierce kobold (101047)
a kobold archer (101071)
a howler (101049)
a kobold scout (101056)
a kobold scout (101089)
a kobold runt (101104)
a kobold master blacksmith (101061)
Prince Bragnar (101070)
a kobold enforcer (101122)
a kobold enforcer (101123)
a kobold brawler (101079)
a kobold brawler (101117)
a kobold brawler (101129)
Warlord Drrig (101138)
a greater shaman (101090)
a kobold fisherman (101085)
a kobold fisherman (101120)
a kobold fisherman (101086)
a kobold scout (101088)
a kobold outcast (101094)
a kobold outcast (101112)
a kobold outcast (101092)
a huge kobold (101131)
a lesser shaman (101100)
a kobold watcher (101101)
a kobold watcher (101102)
a fierce kobold (101103)
King Gragnar (101109)
cave bat lord (101110)
in Toxxulia Forest by a kobold sentry (38001)
a kobold sentry (38002)
a kobold sentry (38012)
a kobold watcher (38008)
a kobold shaman (38145)
a kobold scout (38035)
a kobold runt (38004)
in Dagnor's Cauldron by Jinalis Andir (70028)
in East Freeport by Palatos Kynarn (10112)
in Erudin by Chembla Ellent (24014)
Ignacia Rellasp (24015)
Qualtis Weslent (24016)
Weltria Ostriss (24017)
Sornita Eltern (24018)
Tollari Mistell (24020)
Raine Beteria (24021)
Issibla Belstince (24022)
Kathar Varselli (24023)
Selint Chency (24024)
Junice Weslent (24025)
Alysa Eltern (24026)
Stolace Printell (24027)
Mertitt Phentilly (24028)
Lissa Respelti (24030)
#Jordin Sretin (24032)
Illithi Nollith (24036)
Gayle Weaven (24040)
Shinan Orefinder (24041)
Ayth Niphiria (24042)
Fhania Aserdon (24049)
Beth Breadmaker (24059)
Palus Weaponsmith (24060)
Nerth Sailwind (24061)
Monita Weaver (24062)
Ghemna Nyjuss (24066)
Helia BlueHawk (24067)
Sentinel Venci (24069)
Luren Renthalis (24070)
Teria Finleather (24071)
Borge Finleather (24072)
Sentinel Demitri (24073)
Reihan Wilhemson (24074)
Demicla Tanner (24076)
Sentinel Phylos (24077)
Jagen Kindlor (24078)
Dunore Steelfinger (24079)
Sentinel Polix (24082)
Sentinel Silvis (24083)
Kisrin Breezeshadow (24084)
Reko Saltamer (24085)
Sentinel Gressio (24086)
Sentinel Tybal (24087)
Sentinel Malvol (24088)
Sentinel Cymbelin (24089)
Sentinel Ursulo (24090)
Sentinel Aegeo (24091)
Sentinel Mercutil (24092)
Sentinel Belario (24093)
Sentinel Adrial (24094)
Rem Knarjon (24114)
Syra Printell (24029)
Stella Breezemoon (24080)
Galbasi Weaver (24075)
Geoard BlueHawk (24068)
in Highpass Hold by Malik Zaren (5043)
in Innothule Swamp by Tal Godin (46038)
in North Qeynos by Moodoro Finharn (2040)
in South Qeynos by Danaria Hollin (1066)
in The Erudin Palace by Nolusia Finharn (23000)
Alcinda Soolpop (23078)
Barstall Methinon (23002)
Effunic Korett (23003)
Gissa Brist (23004)
Wistcona (23005)
Tuballi Stellari (23006)
Kestall Tulenci (23007)
Onyssa Vroce (23008)
Killi Frillep (23009)
Sentinel Charin (23043)
Estra Nancer (23012)
Danilla Delucic (23013)
Vellenon Harrance (23014)
Pinilla (23015)
Telor Beteria (23016)
Sparlus Penfold (23017)
Sentinel Wren (23058)
Sentinel Hylin (23023)
Sentinel Lixen (23024)
Sentinel Balthar (23025)
Sentinel Desde (23026)
Sentinel Laphis (23027)
Jeliala Glimmercharm (23028)
Frena Runeflash (23029)
Tika Shockstep (23030)
Sentinel Jeast (23031)
Gwynora Armista (23032)
Nikina Sparlek (23033)
Lanken Rjarn (23034)
Sentinel Edan (23035)
Sentinel Golas (23044)
Reba Garus (23038)
Sentinel Dadil (23039)
Andane Starinen (23040)
Raskena Djor (23041)
Ghanlin Skyphire (23042)
Sentinel Thron (23045)
Sothure Gemcutter (23046)
Anite Gemcutter (23047)
Sentinel Ogen (23048)
Sharin Denuen (23049)
Glysin Denuen (23050)
Myrcin Denuen (23051)
Elbsin Denuen (23052)
Vall Stonewisp (23054)
Tan Monosty (23055)
Judge Monosty (23056)
Sentinel Cholis (23057)
Sentinel Rysin (23059)
Sentinel Vanil (23060)
Sentinel Colm (23061)
Tyrena Monosty (23062)
Wick Ashfield (23063)
Sahana Heartlyn (23064)
Agryn Moonfield (23065)
Sentinel Knox (23066)
Sentinel Phis (23067)
Sentinel Nolbain (23068)
Sentinel Tigonus (23069)
Whes Nareya (23071)
Josper Kenshed (23072)
Dalles Cekus (23075)
Akbaq Salid (23077)
Markus Jaevins (23037)
Warden Lius (23022)
Sentinel Corin (23070)
Chief Adair (23053)
Elentar Bealtarik (23010)
Horacia Garnellia (23011)
Toresian Fhabel (23073)
Harban Ranflash (23036)
Vasile Jahnir (23074)
in The Rathe Mountains by Tal Godin (50289)
in Toxxulia Forest by Stylla Parsini (38024)
Tran Lilspin (38036)
Sentinel Creot (38053)
Shintar Vinlail (38067)
Cyria Lorewhisper (38069)
Quana Rainsparkle (38070)
Xylania Rainsparkle (38071)
Win Karnam (38072)
Islan Hetston (38073)
Sentinel Flavius (38075)
Sentinel Drom (38076)
Ilanics skeleton (38150)
in Toxxulia Forest by Ilanics skeleton (414193)