in Blackburrow by Scout Malityn (17028)
in East Commonlands by Rinna Lightshadow (22090)
in Lake Rathetear by Eldreth (51025)
Cyanelle (51093)
in North Qeynos by a Koalindl (2005)
Koalindl (2151)
Lashun Novashine (2032)
Grennet Stormhand (2035)
Rolon Banari (2037)
Enic Ruklin (2039)
Jaylia the Faithful (2053)
Roesager Thusten (2059)
Nomsoe Jusagta (2088)
in South Qeynos by Fesse Bontex (1010)
Dumisa D`Enetti (1012)
Rosdaria Sepria (1013)
Sinon Loarpe (1014)
Gende Reldari (1015)
Headara Ponido (1016)
Ingaria Dinego (1017)
Tsuden Korinte (1018)
Moreo O`Meek (1019)
Isobelle Losiwoo (1020)
Corrao Duperame (1021)
Neapha Vesturo (1038)
Celamari Marre (1023)
Pai Berenis (1024)
Lord Mrallon (1029)
Chalios Bensted (1037)
Khensol Undesta (1039)
Bogen Chazel (1040)
Lisdon Trekka (1041)
Wolten Grafe (1043)
Chesgard Sydwen (1044)
Kasine Paegra (1045)
Renic Losaren (1046)
Drawna Opimsor (1051)
Daenor Casthopur (1053)
Kazlo Naedra (1054)
Gahlith Wrannstad (1055)
Basten Ghunret (1056)
Unsar Koldhagon (1057)
Esdia Moeba (1058)
Mespha Tevalian (1059)
Daedet Losaren (1067)
Caton Glimmerstep (1070)
Arthon Spiritsight (1186)
Gehna Solbenya (1076)
Caleah Herblender (1118)
Nostahla Westfend (1121)
Kinloc Flamepaw (1122)
Bisdlo Ravtahm (1126)
Runethar Hamest (1128)
Raffy Conticede (1163)
Gero Yopetu (1022)
in The Echo Caverns by Priestess Tarafol (153039)
in The Lavastorm Mountains by #Sir Lindeal (27125)
in The Nektulos Forest by Initiate of Rodcet (25375)
in The Northern Plains of Karana by Brother Nallin (13049)
in The Qeynos Hills by Neclo Rheslar (4032)
Niclaus Ressinn (4060)
in The Rathe Mountains by Marianna (50076)
Tomas (50238)
Thomas (50236)
in The Southern Plains of Karana by Brother Drash (14048)
in The Western Plains of Karana by Brother Estle (12043)
Brother Chintle (12144)
Lempeck Hargrin (12080)
Habastash Gikin (12124)
Grebin Sneztop (12130)
Gomo Limerin (12155)
Kyle Rinlin (12159)
Tolony Marle (12162)
Quegin Hadder (12164)
Kobot Dellin (12165)
Lander Billkin (12166)
Ronly Jogmill (12170)
Parcil Vinder (12171)
in East Freeport by Opal Darkbriar (10094)
in High Keep by Tsaria Jnarus (6182)
in Highpass Hold by Dyllin Starsine (5015)
in North Qeynos by Guard Treitan (2110)
Guard Shorm (2112)
Guard Deregan (2117)
Lieutenant Dagarok (2020)
Guard Furithane (2116)
Guard Simkin (2114)
in South Qeynos by Guard Mezzt (1001)
Guard Cyrillian (1006)
Guard Augos (1306)
Guard Quedal (1309)
Guard Jerith (1002)
Guard Perin (1308)
Guard Oleph (1307)
Guard Tyrak (1310)
in The Frosted Halls by Emissary of Miragul (1120000954)
Soldier of Miragul (1120000957)
Terror of Miragul (1120000958)
Minion of Miragul (1120000959)
Child of Miragul (1120000960)
Daughter of Miragul (1120000961)
Spawn of Miragul (1120000962)
Scribe of Miragul (1120000963)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000970)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000971)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000972)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000974)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000975)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000976)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000977)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000978)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000979)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000980)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000981)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000982)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000983)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000984)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000985)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000986)
Dread of Miragul (1120000988)
Dread of Miragul (1120000989)
Dread of Miragul (1120000990)
Dread of Miragul (1120000991)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000992)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000993)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000995)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000996)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000997)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000998)
Chosen of Miragul (1120000969)
Chosen of Miragul (1120001000)
Shard of Miragul (1120001002)
Chosen of Miragul (1120001003)
Chosen of Miragul (1120001006)
Chosen of Miragul (1120001007)
Chosen of Miragul (1120001008)
Unholy Priest of Miragul (1120001010)
Armor of Miragul (1120001012)
Maiden of Miragul (1120001013)
Mistress of Miragul (1120001014)
Relative of Miragul (1120001015)
in The Northern Plains of Karana by Guard Shilster (13021)
in The Qeynos Aqueduct System by Xeture Demiagar (45089)
a spectre (45011)
a spectre (45012)
a spectre (45013)
Argyn Shieldstan (45015)
Ronn Castekin (45124)
#a zombie (45126)
Senst Ereek (45055)
Fellweni the Kraven (45048)
Dallisen Xalladyr (45049)
Vidurlyn Aeminee (45050)
Gyrna Porrin (45051)
Tessia Sowtsui (45057)
Leon Ereek (45058)
Likka Sowtsui (45059)
Dranot Harbin (45061)
Kubder Restona (45062)
Gehnon Dejartes (45079)
Nulima Opalis (45065)
Kurne Rextula (45066)
Unmuz Tukore (45067)
Zaen Kalystir (45068)
Garuc Anehm (45069)
Vun Shatblack (45070)
Van Shatblack (45098)
Chou Whinstone (45071)
Chan Whinstone (45102)
Krytn Redstepp (45072)
Kron Redstepp (45097)
Marn Darkson (45073)
Morn Darkson (45100)
Pakeg Aspet (45077)
Jexun Elsorg (45078)
Rocthar Bekesna (45080)
Trenon Callust (45081)
Reania Jukle (45082)
Perkon Malok (45083)
Nomaria Doseniar (45086)
Rihtur Fullome (45087)
Phes Gestolk (45088)
Lyris Moonbane (45090)
Sragg Bloodheart (45091)
Lahn Whinstone (45003)
Commander Kane (45114)
Felia Milltorn (45063)
Naes Ereek (45056)
Dollin Nusmag (45127)
in The Qeynos Hills by Tovax Vmar (4020)
Guard Yalroen (4048)
Guard Sironan (4049)
Guard Beris (4053)
Pyzjn (4147)
Varsoon (4171)
a putrid skeleton (2000659)
in The Southern Plains of Karana by a putrid skeleton (14060)
Ghanex Drah (14116)
Lord Grimrot (14134)
Lord Grimrot (14143)
in The Surefall Glade by a bloodsaber defiler (3004)
in The Western Plains of Karana by Guard Donlan (12089)
Guard Donlan (12147)
Guard McCluskey (12090)
in West Freeport by Driana Poxsbourne (9013)