Succor point : 0 / -37 / -1


ListName Class Race Level
a fearless dire wolf Warrior Wolf 65
a fearless Dragorn Warrior Dragorn 65
a fearless elemental Warrior Elemental 65
a fearless skeleton Warrior Skeleton 65
an elemental Warrior Elemental 52
a cackling skeleton Warrior Skeleton 52
a dire wolf Warrior Wolf 52
a dragorn Warrior Dragorn 52
George Wizard Gnome 1
Image of Death Warrior Skeleton 70
Image of Mortality Warrior Dragorn 70
Image of the Elements Warrior Elemental 70
Image of the Wild Warrior Wolf 70
Master of Fear Warrior Lightning Warrior 72
Master of Hate Warrior Lightning Warrior 75
Shell of the Master Muramite Armor Pile 70
Voracious Feran Warrior Feran 73


  • Muramite Proving Grounds Bestiary List
  • Muramite Proving Grounds Named Mobs List
  • Muramite Proving Grounds Equipment List
  • Muramite Proving Grounds Spawn Groups
  • Muramite Proving Grounds Forageable items