a guardian of the grove

Full name a guardian of the grove
Level 65
Race Centaur
Class Warrior
Main faction
Health points 4,875
Damage 0 to 4
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Malachite (Combinable) - 0.439% (0.439% Global)
    2. Peridot (Combinable) - 0.439% (0.439% Global)
    3. Emerald (Combinable) - 0.877% (0.877% Global)
    4. Blue Diamond (Combinable) - 0.219% (0.219% Global)
    5. Frosted Chain Link (Gems) - 0.219% (0.219% Global)
    6. Bonded Loam (Gems) - 0.219% (0.219% Global)
    7. Fused Loam (Gems) - 0.877% (0.877% Global)
    8. Soluble Loam (Gems) - 0.439% (0.439% Global)
    9. Hemic Marrow (Gems) - 0.219% (0.219% Global)
    10. Fine Spinneret Fluid (Gems) - 0.439% (0.439% Global)
    11. Intricate Binding Powder (Combinable) - 0.219% (0.219% Global)
    12. Uncut Black Sapphire (Combinable) - 0.219% (0.219% Global)
    13. Uncut Morganite (Combinable) - 0.219% (0.219% Global)
    14. Uncut Jacinth (Combinable) - 0.439% (0.439% Global)
    15. Earthen Tear Earring (Armor) - 0.219% (0.219% Global)
    16. Stone Hoop (Armor) - 0.219% (0.219% Global)
    17. Portal Scrap (Augmentation) - 0.658% (0.658% Global)
    18. Raw Crimson Nihilite (Combinable) - 0.219% (0.219% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Centaur Parts (Gems) - 17.763% (17.763% Global)
    2. Bloodstone (Combinable) - 7.895% (7.895% Global)
    3. Amber (Combinable) - 11.184% (11.184% Global)
    4. Jade (Combinable) - 11.623% (11.623% Global)
    5. Black Sapphire (Combinable) - 1.535% (1.535% Global)
    6. Diamond (Combinable) - 1.535% (1.535% Global)
    7. Crushed Diamond Dust (Combinable) - 1.316% (1.316% Global)
    8. Frosted Scrap Metal (Gems) - 1.535% (1.535% Global)
    9. Frosted Hide (Gems) - 1.096% (1.096% Global)
    10. Frosted Swatch (Gems) - 1.316% (1.316% Global)
    11. Sunshard Ore (Combinable) - 2.412% (2.412% Global)
    12. Natural Marrow (Gems) - 1.096% (1.096% Global)
    13. Excellent Spinneret Fluid (Gems) - 1.096% (1.096% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    The Steppes

  • steppes72574 : -442 / 1009 / 97
    Spawns every 10 min 40 sec

    Killing this NPC lowers factions with

    Killing this NPC raises factions with