Priests of Life

NPCs whose death raise faction

in East Freeport by
  • Saxarivza Zaxun (382205)

  • in East Freeport by
  • Saxarivza Zaxun (10040)

  • in Najena by
  • a visiting priestess (44107)

  • in Neriak - 3rd Gate by
  • Ithvol K`Jasn (42043)
  • Kerton R`Dev (42044)
  • Jabon T`Kix (42077)
  • Krizon G`Noir (42078)
  • Ulazia W`Selo (42080)
  • Perrir Zexus (42081)
  • Eruvin T`Kix (42082)
  • Jacum C`Luzz (42083)
  • Jsvan Zexus (42084)

  • in Neriak - Foreign Quarter by
  • Psal G`Noir (40052)

  • in North Qeynos by
  • Priestess Caulria (2090)

  • in The Frosted Halls by
  • Emissary of Miragul (1120000954)
  • Soldier of Miragul (1120000957)
  • Terror of Miragul (1120000958)
  • Minion of Miragul (1120000959)
  • Child of Miragul (1120000960)
  • Daughter of Miragul (1120000961)
  • Spawn of Miragul (1120000962)
  • Scribe of Miragul (1120000963)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000970)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000971)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000972)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000974)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000975)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000976)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000977)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000978)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000979)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000980)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000981)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000982)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000983)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000984)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000985)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000986)
  • Dread of Miragul (1120000988)
  • Dread of Miragul (1120000989)
  • Dread of Miragul (1120000990)
  • Dread of Miragul (1120000991)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000992)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000993)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000995)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000996)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000997)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000998)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120000969)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120001000)
  • Shard of Miragul (1120001002)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120001003)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120001006)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120001007)
  • Chosen of Miragul (1120001008)
  • Unholy Priest of Miragul (1120001010)
  • Armor of Miragul (1120001012)
  • Maiden of Miragul (1120001013)
  • Mistress of Miragul (1120001014)
  • Relative of Miragul (1120001015)

  • in The Lesser Faydark by
  • Teir`Dal Prophet (57066)
  • Priestess Llandra (57071)

  • in The Qeynos Aqueduct System by
  • Xeture Demiagar (45089)
  • a spectre (45011)
  • a spectre (45012)
  • a spectre (45013)
  • Argyn Shieldstan (45015)
  • Ronn Castekin (45124)
  • #a zombie (45126)
  • Senst Ereek (45055)
  • Fellweni the Kraven (45048)
  • Dallisen Xalladyr (45049)
  • Vidurlyn Aeminee (45050)
  • Gyrna Porrin (45051)
  • Tessia Sowtsui (45057)
  • Leon Ereek (45058)
  • Likka Sowtsui (45059)
  • Dranot Harbin (45061)
  • Kubder Restona (45062)
  • Gehnon Dejartes (45079)
  • Nulima Opalis (45065)
  • Kurne Rextula (45066)
  • Unmuz Tukore (45067)
  • Zaen Kalystir (45068)
  • Garuc Anehm (45069)
  • Vun Shatblack (45070)
  • Van Shatblack (45098)
  • Chou Whinstone (45071)
  • Chan Whinstone (45102)
  • Krytn Redstepp (45072)
  • Kron Redstepp (45097)
  • Marn Darkson (45073)
  • Morn Darkson (45100)
  • Pakeg Aspet (45077)
  • Jexun Elsorg (45078)
  • Rocthar Bekesna (45080)
  • Trenon Callust (45081)
  • Reania Jukle (45082)
  • Perkon Malok (45083)
  • Nomaria Doseniar (45086)
  • Rihtur Fullome (45087)
  • Phes Gestolk (45088)
  • Lyris Moonbane (45090)
  • Sragg Bloodheart (45091)
  • Lahn Whinstone (45003)
  • Commander Kane (45114)
  • Felia Milltorn (45063)
  • Naes Ereek (45056)
  • Dollin Nusmag (45127)

  • in The Qeynos Hills by
  • Tovax Vmar (4020)
  • Pyzjn (4147)
  • Varsoon (4171)
  • a putrid skeleton (2000659)

  • in The Southern Plains of Karana by
  • a putrid skeleton (14060)
  • Ghanex Drah (14116)
  • Lord Grimrot (14134)
  • Lord Grimrot (14143)

  • in The Surefall Glade by
  • a bloodsaber defiler (3004)

  • in West Freeport by
  • Driana Poxsbourne (9013)

  • NPCs whom death lowers the faction

    in Blackburrow by
  • Scout Malityn (17028)

  • in East Commonlands by
  • Rinna Lightshadow (22090)

  • in East Freeport by
  • Talym Shoontar (10182)

  • in Eastern Plains of Karana by
  • a farmer (15023)
  • a farmer (15026)
  • a farmer (15092)
  • Sir Morgan (15045)
  • Guard Silvia (15046)
  • Guard Viola (15128)
  • Guard Miranda (15146)
  • Adrian (15148)
  • Guard Gonlo (15152)
  • Guard Calin (15155)
  • Guard Sebastian (15173)
  • Guard Cloten (15047)
  • Guard Juno (15113)
  • Shalena Roan (15052)
  • Shalena Roan (15111)
  • Shalena Roan (15122)
  • a fisherman (15053)
  • a fisherman (15125)
  • Paulina (15054)
  • Guard Beatrice (15123)
  • Guard Sara (15141)
  • Guard Angus (15157)
  • Guard Diana (15175)
  • Guard Boyet (15179)
  • Guard Titan (15057)
  • Leon (15075)
  • Guard Tubal (15163)
  • Guard Mercyl (15181)
  • Guard Philip (15058)
  • Guard Celia (15124)
  • Guard Peter (15060)
  • a fisherwoman (15070)
  • a fisherwoman (15126)
  • Iago (15072)
  • Lucetta (15073)
  • Guard Alonso (15076)
  • Guard Iris (15127)
  • a farmer (15079)
  • a farmer (15114)
  • Squire Wimbley (15103)

  • in Innothule Swamp by
  • Gwynn Marthank (46020)
  • Peltin Funter (46029)
  • Rell Ostodl (46030)
  • Tann Cellus (46039)

  • in Lake Rathetear by
  • Guard Rianna (51054)
  • Tralinda (51056)
  • Lorud (51057)
  • Tabitha (51060)
  • Tabitha (51122)
  • Rondel (51061)
  • Rondel (51109)
  • Aija (51062)
  • Aija (51123)
  • Hruthgar (51063)
  • Hruthgar (51124)
  • Grinda (51064)
  • Grinda (51125)
  • Brundar (51065)

  • in North Qeynos by
  • a Koalindl (2005)
  • Koalindl (2151)
  • Lashun Novashine (2032)
  • Grennet Stormhand (2035)
  • Rolon Banari (2037)
  • Enic Ruklin (2039)
  • Jaylia the Faithful (2053)
  • Roesager Thusten (2059)
  • Nomsoe Jusagta (2088)
  • Camlend Serbold (2092)

  • in South Qeynos by
  • Fesse Bontex (1010)
  • Lord Mrallon (1029)
  • Bogen Chazel (1040)
  • Lisdon Trekka (1041)
  • Wolten Grafe (1043)
  • Chesgard Sydwen (1044)
  • Kasine Paegra (1045)
  • Renic Losaren (1046)
  • Daedet Losaren (1067)
  • Caton Glimmerstep (1070)
  • Arthon Spiritsight (1186)
  • Gehna Solbenya (1076)
  • McNeal Jocub (1099)
  • Bisdlo Ravtahm (1126)
  • Runethar Hamest (1128)
  • Raffy Conticede (1163)
  • Talym Shoontar (1166)

  • in The Echo Caverns by
  • Priestess Tarafol (153039)

  • in The Lavastorm Mountains by
  • #Sir Lindeal (27125)

  • in The Nektulos Forest by
  • Initiate of Rodcet (25375)

  • in The Northern Plains of Karana by
  • a farmer (13027)
  • a farmer (13080)
  • a farmer (13015)
  • a farmer (13017)
  • a farmer (13028)
  • Brother Nallin (13049)
  • Bunu Stoutheart (13062)
  • Fixxin Followig (13063)
  • Cory Bumbleye (13064)
  • Nul Aleswiller (13065)
  • a farmer (13077)

  • in The Qeynos Hills by
  • Chanda Miller (4052)
  • Baobob Miller (4055)
  • Niclaus Ressinn (4060)
  • Talym Shoontar (4157)

  • in The Rathe Mountains by
  • Gwynn Marthank (50280)
  • Peltin Funter (50292)
  • Guard Carnita (50031)
  • Marianna (50076)
  • Philicia Drinn (50224)
  • Sven Drinn (50225)
  • Lysandra (50226)
  • Tomas (50238)
  • Thomas (50236)

  • in The Southern Plains of Karana by
  • Brother Drash (14048)

  • in The Surefall Glade by
  • Talym Shoontar (3047)

  • in The Western Plains of Karana by
  • a farmer (12105)
  • Henina Miller (12026)
  • Brother Estle (12043)
  • Brother Chintle (12144)
  • a farmer (12020)
  • a farmer (12058)
  • Chrislin Baker (12074)
  • Lempeck Hargrin (12080)
  • Minda (12084)
  • Minda (12151)
  • Tukk (12085)
  • Anderia (12106)
  • Anderia (12152)
  • Rongol (12107)
  • Cleet Miller (12108)
  • Tiny Miller (12109)
  • Habastash Gikin (12124)
  • Grebin Sneztop (12130)
  • Gomo Limerin (12155)
  • Kyle Rinlin (12159)
  • Tolony Marle (12162)
  • Quegin Hadder (12164)
  • Kobot Dellin (12165)
  • Lander Billkin (12166)
  • Ronly Jogmill (12170)
  • Parcil Vinder (12171)
  • a farmer (12141)
  • Cleet Miller Jr (12029)
  • Furball Miller (12041)

  • in West Freeport by
  • Ping Fuzzlecutter (9133)